Recycled Water Project

This section of the community website is dedicated to providing content and regular updates on the recycled water project that is being sponsored by the San Elijo Joint Powers Authority (SEJPA) in collaboration with the City of Encinitas, the San Dieguito Water District (SDWD) and the Encinitas Ranch Community Association (ERCA).

The project began in the spring of 2015 and actual construction is to start in late October of 2018 with completion slated for the first quarter of 2019.

The project involves installation of a water line starting at the intersection of Quail Gardens Drive and Paseo de las Flores, under the entire length of Paseo de las Flores and then south on Lynwood Drive. The pipeline is approximately 1.5 miles in length. The expectation from the general contractor, Burtech Pipeline that they will trench, fill and pave about 200 feet per day.

Regular progress updates will be made on this web page. Attached is a copy of commonly asked questions and answers about the project:

Recycled Water Project Frequently Asked Questions

We encourage homeowners in the south mesa to enter and exit the community using Paseo de las Verdes rather than Paseo de las Flores to avoid potentially being stopped for construction vehicles in the roadway and to allow for construction to proceed at an optimal pace.

Recycled Water Project Flyer 

UPDATE:  October 25th

  • Work hours are 8 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday; no weekend work
  • Burtech Pipeline is trenching and filling approximately 200 feet/day
  • The line started at the intersection of Quail Gardens Drive and is proceeding up the length of Paseo de las Flores
  • The line has been completed up to near the restrooms on Paseo de las Flores
  • Consider using Paseo de las Verdes to enter or exit the community to avoid any possible delays

UPDATE: November 14th

  • Burtech has completed the first major leg of the project up to the entry monument of the community on Paseo de las Flores
  • Burtech will be encouraging residents of the area who park their cars on Paseo de las Flores to access to the trails, to park on Paseo de las Verdes to minimize disruption to the project. Additional signage will be placed in the areas frequented by trail walkers on Paseo de las Flores.
  • The construction manager working for Black & Veatch will be approaching the homeowners on Paseo de las Flores to notify them of work in front of their work and ask that they park any vehicles they need to access on other streets

UPDATE: December 20th 

  • Burtech Pipeline is continuing to make excellent progress on this project having already completed well over 50% of all trenching, laying pipe, compacting and filling
  • In the next month or so they should complete their work on the remainder on Lynwood Drive then finish the booster pump station off of Paseo de las Flores
  • There may be minor intermittent stops on Paseo de las Flores and Lynwood Drive
  • Please follow the instructions given by the flagmen in the street
  • Consider using Paseo de las Verdes to enter and exit the community
  • Advance notice will be given to owners about construction in front of their homes
  • Work is done between 8 AM and 4:30 PM on weekdays only.

UPDATE: January 12th, 2019

  • Burtech Pipeline has completed all trenching and laying pipe
  • In the next month they will apply a new layer of asphalt and smooth the road surface
  • The booster pump station located near the restrooms next to Paseo de las Flores will be completed in February and the line tested
  • There may be minor intermittent stops on Paseo de las Flores and Lynwood Drive
  • Please follow the instructions given by the flagmen in the street
  • Consider using Paseo de las Verdes to enter and exit the community
  • Work is done between 8 AM and 4:30 PM on weekdays only.
  • In the latter part of the second quarter of this year a contractor will slurry seal all of the streets in the community

UPDATE: February 18th, 2019

  • Burtech Pipeline has completed all of the pipeline work and successfully pressure tested the entire line
  • The contractor is now working to complete the booster pump station located near the restrooms next to Paseo de las Flores and the expectation is that this will be completed in late March
  • Also in March they will apply a new layer of asphalt and smooth the entire road surface
  • There may be minor intermittent stops on Paseo de las Flores and Lynwood Drive
  • Please follow the instructions given by the flagmen in the street
  • Consider using Paseo de las Verdes to enter and exit the community
  • Work is done between 8 AM and 4:30 PM on weekdays only.
  • Beginning in the latter part of February BrightView, our landscaping contractor, will be converting the sprinkler heads and valve box covers to a purple color to distinguish the use of recycled water in the common areas in the south mesa. None of the actual irrigation lines need to be replaced. In addition, they will be installing concrete curbs in selected locations to show clear separation between potable and recycled water. That work should be completed in the May timeframe.
  • In the latter part of the second quarter of this year a contractor will slurry seal all of the streets in the community and refinish the stamped concrete sections.


  • On March 13th and 14th both Paseo de las Flores and parts of Lynwood Drive will be repaved to provide a smoother surface.
  • The work was intended to start on Tuesday the 12th but was pushed back one day due to a delay at the asphalt plant.
  • The work will start at 8 AM on Wednesday, March 13th and will finish on Thursday, March 14th by 5 PM.
  • During this time period traffic flow will be impacted and delays are to be expected. Please follow the instructions of the flag men.
  • To avoid delays homeowners in the south mesa should consider using Paseo de las Verdes to enter and exit the community.
  • Please place your trash cans outside on Tuesday evening for trash pickup on Wednesday as is the normal practice.


  • The project to bring recycled water to all remaining parts of the common areas in the south mesa is nearly complete. The underground pipeline and the booster pump station near the restrooms on Paseo de las Flores have both been finished. During the first week of March Paseo de las Flores and portions of Lynwood Drive were resurfaced to provide a smoother and more seamless roadway.
  • BrightView is now in the process of exposing water lines near the water meters in the parkway turf to demonstrate separation of recycled from potable water lines. This is required by the water authorities and health department.
  • For those homes where there is parkway turf between the sidewalk and street in front of their homes the areas around the water meter will excavated to expose the water lines, taped off and staked, inspected and finally concrete will then be poured to seal the area. All of these steps take about a week and a half.
  • The following is a tentative schedule of when the turf in the parkways in the south mesa will be under construction:
    • 500 – 700 block of Lynwood Drive: complete
    • 700 – 800 block of Lynwood Drive: March 25 – 28
    • Cascadia Drive March 29 – 30
    • Paloma Court March 31 – April 3
    • Verbana Court  April 4 – 6
    • Samuel Court April 7 – 9
    • Jensen Court April 10 – 11
    • Paseo de las Flores April 13 – 16
    • 680 – 800 block of Cypress Hills Drive April 17 – 22
    • Spanish Bay Court April 23 – 24
    • 600 – 680 block of Cypress Hills Drive April 25 – 30
    • Rihely Place May 1 – 3
    • Brae Mar Court                                     May 4 – 6
    • Alex Way May 7 – 9
    • Shasta Drive May 10 – 11
    • Paseo de las Flores May 12 – 14
  • All of the work by BrightView should be completed by the end of April then final inspections by the San Dieguito Water District will take place.
  • The entire recycled water project should be completed by mid-May when we will have fully converted over to recycled water for the common areas in the south mesa. Recycled water is currently pegged at 80% of the cost of potable water. The project will not only save the community money spent on water but more importantly will provide a long term sustainable source of water as we can use as much recycled water as needed and whenever needed.