Update on the Affordable Housing Task Force

Posted on: November 22nd, 2024

A presentation was made to the entire city council by the deputy mayor who co-chaired the Affordable Housing Task Force (AHTF) at the city council meeting on November 20th. 

Below is a link to the entire presentation:


The task force did very valuable work and achieved their objective of finding alternate sites for affordable housing other than the Quail Gardens Park known as L-7. This objective was achieved despite having 13 members on the task force, often with wildly diverse and sometimes very emotional opinions. The work product clearly could have benefited from the meetings spread across at least a few more months.

A rubric was developed (an objective decision analysis tool) that represented key criteria used to evaluate potential government-owned sites using the same consistent criteria and great thought was given to what criteria to use and the scoring methodology. Months from now what will be important is that four sites were found as alternates to L-7 to be used for affordable housing. All of these sites received the highest scores using the rubric while L-7 scored the lowest of all other potential sites.

The council received the presentation and chose not to direct city staff to take any further actions and left it to the incoming city council to decide on next steps. It is safe to say that L-7 will not be developed with housing. Steps need to be taken to rezone the property to make it into a real park. It is hoped that the next city council will take those steps.