When do I need to submit an application for an architectural or landscaping improvement?

Posted on: August 8th, 2017

One of the most frequently asked questions of the Management Company and the Architectural Committee has to do with whether a formal application is needed for an planned home improvement.

Over the past year or so the Architectural Committee (AC) drafted new Architectural Standards with the objective of streamlining the approval process and increasing clarity over design standards.

Considerable time was spent in reviewing various potential improvements and attempting to eliminate the need for application submissions and approvals except for larger projects that would have more of an impact on the neighborhood.

Anyone exploring home improvements is strongly encouraged to read the Architectural Standards found under Design on our website and in particular to Article 4.5 on page 15 of 22. Here is a link to the Architectural Standards:


The AC developed four categories of improvements:

  1. No Application – Maintenance
  2. Exterior Painting
  3. Minor Improvements
  4. Standard or Major Improvements

Examples of the types of improvements that fall into each category are provided. This list is not all inclusive. Please contact Management with any questions about the appropriate type of application and associated fee.