Annual Membership Meeting and Board of Directors Elections

Posted on: November 3rd, 2020

By now all of the 500 members in Encinitas Ranch will have received a large envelope in the mail from the Ballot Box company concerning the annual election of members of the Board of Directors for the Encinitas Ranch Community Association.

By California law enacted last year HOA’s are now required to hire an external company to serve as the formal Inspector of Elections and Encinitas Ranch chose Ballot Box for this purpose. They recently mailed out ballots to each member with self-addressed stamped envelopes and they will be counting the ballots on November 30th during the annual meeting of the membership.

In order for your ballot to be counted it must be received by Tuesday, November 24th..

Furthermore, a quorum of members must vote in order for the election to be certified. In the case of Encinitas Ranch and our Bylaws this is 25% and represents 125 members. We must receive at least 125 valid ballots meaning the actual ballot has been completed, inserted in the inner envelope and finally placed within the outer envelope and signed.

Please try and return your ballots as soon as possible so that N.N. Jaeschke and the board can track our progress in achieving a quorum.

Contact Jayne Whitaker with NNJ with any questions or concerns about the election and/or the balloting process. A new ballot can be issued if one has been lost, misplaced and signed improperly. Jayne can be reached at 858-795-7051 or at

We thank for your active participation in the voting process.