First Quarter 2021 Landscaping Projects

Posted on: January 5th, 2021

The Landscaping Committee wanted to share with all of our homeowners their preliminary plans for major landscaping projects for the first quarter of 2021. They are in no particular order and are subject to change due to variables like weather and availability of plant materials. As you will see the projects are spread across all of Encinitas Ranch.

  1. The annual tree trimming project will begin in January and be finished by mid February; weather permitting. All of the large trees in the common areas including parkway and slopes will be inspected and trimmed according to the procotols developed by the lead arborist with BrightView Landscaping.
  2. Upgrade the slopes above the monument walls on the left and right sides of the entry to Quail Ridge.
  3. Replace spent plant material (Escallonias) on the golf course trail behind Paseo de las Flores and Spanish Bay Court and Paloma Court
  4. Upgrade and refresh the landscaping at the end of Hampton Court in Devonshire and Rainey Court in 37 Ranch Road
  5. Replace a dead crape myrtle tree on Rihely Place and dying magnolia trees on Dylan Way
  6. Refresh the planting around the entry monuments on Paseo de las Flores, Paseo de las Verdes, Swallowtail Road and at the northeast corner of Quail Gardens Drive and Leucadia Blvd.

Homeowners can help too by maintaining safe walkways. Over time plants and trees grow up and over sidewalks creating potential dangerous conditions for people especially at night. The 4-foot sidewalk is designed for a wheelchair or double stroller in width and a 6 foot-6 inch person walking.  Branches that are over 7 feet above the sidewalk are no issue. So, please do your part and trim plants and trees near the sidewalk in front of your house to allow for adequate clearance. In most cases, it is just a few branches or fronds that need to be cut away from the sidewalk.

Lastly, homeowners are welcome to attend the monthly Landscaping Committee meetings which are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 9 AM. Interested owners can contact Sandy Gallagher with questions on the location and agenda. Sandy can be reached at