Parks & Recreation Commission to hear update on L-7 as a park

Posted on: October 20th, 2024

The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is currently scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, October 21st at 5:30 PM at city hall. The commission is going to further consider the designation of this property as a city park and naming it in honor of Glen Johnson’s late wife. Glen generously donated $100,000 toward developing L-7 into a park.

If you are interested and concerned about the use of this property and want to see this used as a park please consider attending the commission meeting and/or writing the commission members. You can email David Norgard, the Parks Operations Manager at [email protected].

Also, send a copy to the city clerk, Kathy Hollywood at [email protected].

Below is a proposed email that you can send: 
As a resident of Encinitas, I strongly support that the creation of a paark at the city property at 634 Quail Gardens.  Encinitas needs more parks and open space.  With all the new housing being built, Encinitas definitely needs more parks and open space.  As part of Agenda item 8A, please recommend that the City Council create a park at this city owned property.