This post is just to remind all members that Apache Asphalt still has three days remaining to complete their road resealing project. This schedule is subject to change with weather being a major factor.
Sept 21th – Verbena Court, Paloma Court (south from Cascadia Lane), Samuel Court, South end of Cypress Hills Dr (odd numbered houses from Paloma Court to Paseo de las Verdes)
Sept 22th – Ranch Rd (all even numbered houses), Fairway Vista, Half of Ravean Court (all odd numbered houses), Lauren Court (odd numbered houses), Half of Alexandra Lane (all odd numbered houses), Hampton Court, South side of Via Zamia, Cascadia Lane (even numbered houses), Paloma Court (from Cypress Hills Drive to Cascadia Lane, the even numbered houses)
Sept 25th – Lynwood Dr (odd numbered houses between Paseo de las Flores and Cascadia Lane), Half of Cypress Hills Dr (from Paloma Court to Paseo de las Verdes, the even numbered houses), Paseo de las Verdes (the north side of the street from Cypress Hills Drive to Shasta Drive)
The contractor will also use the 25th to clean up any areas missed or need to be touched up.
Please do not move any traffic cones or drive through any areas that are taped off. Contact Pat Campbell at Curtis Management with any concerns or questions. He can be reached at 760-643-2200.