The San Diego Botanic Garden is helping to advance western medicine

Posted on: June 24th, 2024

About 20 to 30 years ago, the use of medicinal plant gardens for drug research slowed down in part because there was no living collection that could be used sustainably or consistently. The San Diego Botanic Garden is working to change that through the use and study of native plants, and ultimately plants across the world.

The medicinal plant collection they have in Encinitas will serve as a tool for Western medicine. They’re mixing modern technology with plant research in a first of its kind medicinal plant collection and collaboration.

“This is Artemisia Californica. This is a sage scrub. Some people would call Artemisia a Mugwort or Wormwood. This is also known, this particular species, as cowboy cologne,” explained Ben Naman, Ph.D., Director of Medicinal Plant Research at San Diego Botanic Garden, as we walked through a behind-the-scenes greenhouse.

There is one part of the collection that is for research purposes and for employees only. Another part of the medicinal plant collection is open to the general public.

And while some of the plants smell good, the purpose of these budding beauties is to get you feeling good and healthy.