Tree Trimming

Posted on: October 19th, 2018

It has been brought to our attention that several homeowners are instructing their landscapers to trim trees in the Homeowner Association (HOA) common maintenance areas including the parkways along the streets (specifically, the trees within the turf areas next to the sidewalks). Please be advised that it is the responsibility of the HOA to maintain these trees through pruning and pesticides.

  1. All trees have been identified and are on a long-term strategic tree trimming care plan. A licensed arborist created this plan and each tree has been categorized and placed on a specific tree-trimming schedule for that species of tree.  Tree trimming is scheduled during specific times of the year due to climate and other conditions based on the specific tree.
  2. One of the goals of having a long-term plan with the same tree trimming company is to create a uniform consistent look throughout the neighborhood. This means that the arborist has identified the trees and will trim them with the same plan year after year for that specific tree, thus giving the association a pleasing, uniform look.
  3. Additionally, some homeowner landscapers may, not intentionally, bring diseases to the homeowner association trees. This is due to utilizing tools for tree trimming that have not been properly cleaned from the prior job.  This creates an additional expense for the association by having to spray/treat the tree, which of course is passed back to the homeowners through Dues.
  4. The more a tree is trimmed, the more it stimulates growth, which in turn causes tree trimming costs to raise thereby leaving less funds available for landscaping enhancements.

If a homeowner or their landscaper is found to have trimmed a community tree then they will be liable for any damages or replacement costs. If a tree needs to be trimmed please take a photo of the tree showing the area(s) of concern and send it to the Property Manager, Alana Roper at  She can then coordinate with the Arborist to assess the matter.