Update on the L-7 Property and crowdfunding for a park

Posted on: October 10th, 2024

There continues to be ongoing and overwhelming support to keep the L-7 property on Quail Gardens Drive undeveloped and as a park. Also, with a very generous contribution of $100,000 from Glen Johnson, a resident on Kristen Court, the city has for the time being stopped more detailed planning for a 100% affordable housing development on that site. As a direct result of Glen’s contribution, the city council directed the Parks & Recreation Commission to explore formally designating the property as a park and the naming of the park in honor of Glen’s late wife. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is currently scheduled for Monday, October 21st at 5:30 PM at city hall. If you are interested and concerned about the use of this property please consider attending the commission meeting and/or writing the commission members. You can email David Norgard who is the Parks Operations Manager at [email protected].

In addition, the city formed an Affordable Housing Task Force (AHTF) chaired by the mayor and deputy mayor with 13 appointed members representing all four city districts. The goal of the AHTF was to identify and prioritize other potential sites in the city that would be better suited for a 100% affordable housing development. The president of Encinitas Ranch, Dick Stern, was appointed to the task force to represent the interests of homeowners who live along Quail Gardens Drive who all feel that they are already absorbing over 1000 housing units along this road corridor representing over 40% of all housing units approved in the most recent state housing element plans. The AHTF is in the process of scoring all potential sites for affordable housing and their recommendations will be brought forward to the city council in November. Updates will be provided as the task force work continues.

In the meantime, efforts are underway to seek additional contributions to help with building a city park on L-7.  Operation Save Quail Gardens Park crowdfunding campaign is now live! Oliver Pratt, the ten year old son of Jessica and JC Pratt is playing a key role in this effort. Oliver and his parents live in Encinitas Ranch and have organized this funding campaign. Through his own initiatve Oliver has personally raised over $5,000 by finding, cleaning and selling upcycled golf balls and brownies – a fundraising effort that was inspired by Glen Johnson towards the construction of a park on L-7.

Learn more about Oliver’s efforts and the crowdfunding campaign through the news article below:

https://www.gofundme.com/f/join-oliver-to-build-encinitas-park?attribution_id=sl:fa0004c9-ec93-42fe-a290-9653eee87053&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_dash&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link (https://www.gofundme.com/f/join-oliver-to-build-encinitas-park?attribution_id=sl:fa0004c9-ec93-42fe-a290-9653eee87053&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_dash&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link)

Contribute if you can + spread the word!