Below is a comprehensive list of valuable resources related to wildfire preparedness that you should read carefully and leverage.
This guide provides valuable, vetted materials, videos, and checklists to help residents take action in creating defensible space and hardening homes. By using these resources, we encourage neighbors to work together, strengthening our community’s wildfire readiness.
What We Ask:
- Utilize the resources provided and explore additional materials online.
- Prioritize year-round wildfire preparedness on your property.
- Organize with neighbors to create a supportive network.
- Stay informed with updated best practices and share knowledge with others.
Informational Videos:
Wildfire Prepared Structure vs Unprepared Structure
How Homes Burn—Controlled experiment to simulate ember casting
NFPA Wildfire information page—please review entire page and explore links
CalFire Ready for Wildfire Website
Community Level Efforts
Work as a community to become Firewise:
Join a Fire Safe Council:
Stay Informed—Mobile Apps for Active Fires and Evacuation Alerts
Watch Duty:
Genasys Protect:
Alert SD
Get a Wildfire Prepared Home designation from the IBHS
Create a preparedness plan based on unique factors for your home
CalFire Brochure on Ready, Set, Go- Be Prepared