The annual meeting of the Encinitas Ranch Community Association membership and election is being held on Wednesday, November 17th. This election is to elect two (2) Directors to the board and to also approve the minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting and to approve Tax Ruling 70-064.
As of the end of last week Ballot Box, our formal inspector of elections had received just 75 ballots which is well short of the quorum needed to hold a valid meeting. For Encinitas Ranch that represents 25% of the membership or 125 ballots. So, the community is well short of our objective for a quorum.
If a quorum is not achieved then the community will need to delay the annual meeting and incur additional expenses.
The ballot was mailed in a white envelope around October 15th with The Encinitas Ranch Community Association name printed in the upper left corner. The ballot package included a self addressed stamped envelope and will be mailed to and processed by Ballot Box.
If you have not voted yet please do so. It is vitally important for the community to receive your input. In order to be counted the ballots must be signed and received by Monday, November 15th at Noon.
If you have misplaced your ballot you can request a replacement by contacting Ballot Box directly at (888) 558-2887 or at
Thanks for your support.