Archive for the ‘Design’ Category

What should I secure first: Approval by the AC or a City permit?

Posted on: April 24th, 2018

The rules and codes of the City of Encinitas and the Community Association align in many respects, but not in all.  Obtaining City permits does not waive or override the need for AC approval for any improvement.  Similarly AC approval does not waive or override the need for an Owner to obtain any required City […]

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I want to make some improvements to the exterior of our house. Do I need an application?

Posted on: April 16th, 2018

No application is needed for maintenance where there is no change in appearance of the exterior of your home or landscaping.  This includes repainting with existing colors, replacement of windows and doors, replacement of perimeter fences, replacement of landscaping or minor landscape improvements.  For more information and guidelines on maintenance and no application installations, please […]

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Updated Architectural and Landscaping Appendices

Posted on: March 17th, 2018

Over the past month the Architectural Committee has very hard at work updating a number of the forms and applications for architectural improvements. All of those new documents have been uploaded to this website under Design. The following are the forms and applications that have changed: Appendix List with the last update noted (March of […]

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Architectural Committee Reports Record Volume in Applications

Posted on: December 12th, 2017

The newly published Architectural Standards is an invaluable tool for any Encinitas Ranch homeowner who is contemplating a new exterior project.  In addition to new Standards the Architectural Committee developed new processes and timelines that dramatically reduced both application review time and application fees. The new streamlined and cost effective process can only be sustained with the […]

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When do I need to submit an application for an architectural or landscaping improvement?

Posted on: August 8th, 2017

One of the most frequently asked questions of the Management Company and the Architectural Committee has to do with whether a formal application is needed for an planned home improvement. Over the past year or so the Architectural Committee (AC) drafted new Architectural Standards with the objective of streamlining the approval process and increasing clarity […]

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New Architectural Standards

Posted on: May 27th, 2017

The community recently approved and adopted new Architectural Standards and updated several checklists used to install glass walls, solar panels and synthetic turf. All of these have been posted on this web site under the Design section. The Architectural Committee spent nearly a year in revising these standards in an effort to simplify and streamline […]

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