Archive for the ‘Safety’ Category

Bicycle Safety – CA Vehicle Code and what you need to know

Posted on: May 28th, 2021

Did you know that people on bicycles (including e-bikes) are subject to the provisions of the California Vehicle Code?  In California, bike riders are subject to many of the laws applicable to the driver of a vehicle, which simply put, means bikes must follow the rules of the road! Keep it safe and legal to […]

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San Diego County Sheriff’s Department – Home Security Consultation

Posted on: May 12th, 2021

Below is a flyer from the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and their Crime Prevention Specialists. If you are concerned about home security we urge owners to take advantage of this free service where one of these specialists will visit your home and provide recommendations on how to best improve overall security.

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Community Security Update

Posted on: May 5th, 2021

The board is very mindful of several recent home and car break-ins. While the community is not responsible for protecting homes and personal property such as cars the board has commissioned a small committee to look at various means to enhance overall security. Already, our security patrol company has been redirected to conduct all of […]

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All about e-Bikes

Posted on: March 15th, 2021

With more and more e-Bikes in the community it is incumbent on parents and bike riders to stay current with local and state guidelines. In this freem interactive webinar, the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition’s panel of experts will share great information about e-bikes, how they work, and tips about how to safely and responsibly […]

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eBikes and Rules of the Road

Posted on: January 29th, 2021

Bicycle Safety – CA Vehicle Code and what you need to know! Did you know that people on bicycles (including e-bikes) are subject to the provisions of the California Vehicle Code? In California, bike riders are subject to many of the laws applicable to the driver of a vehicle, which simply put, means bikes must […]

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eBikes and Safety

Posted on: January 14th, 2021

Let’s talk about e-bikes! E-bike popularity is booming.  It’s important to know that people riding e-bikes on the roadways and in public places are subject to the same rules and responsibilities as motor vehicle users.  Here are some  DO’s and DONT’s when it comes to riding an e-bike (which apply to riding any bike). Do: […]

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