City Council to discuss and approve detailed plans for traffic mitigation on Quail Gardens Drive

Posted on: December 16th, 2023

The city council will be reviewing the detailed plans for traffic mitigation on both Quail Gardens Drive and Saxony Road on Wednesday, January 10th. This is hopefully the final meeting for the council to approve such plans and to direct city staff to proceed with implementation. Those plans are to include two stop signs and a roundabout for Quail Gardens Drive. In addition, they will be reviewing proposed changes to the bike lanes as part of their effort to improve overall safety on the roads in Encinitas.

If you would like to see changes implemented to improve safety and reduce vehicle speeds and volume we urge homeowners to attend this council meeting. The council reacts very favorably to residents attending their meetings and expressing their concerns and support for change.

If the agenda for the council meeting changes then we will notify everyone in the community.