City of Encinitas Street Parking Permit Survey

Posted on: April 26th, 2024
The City of Encinitas is conducting a survey of all residents regarding the potential use of permits for on street parking. The city is seeking input about residential parking within the city to gain a comprehensive understanding of the community’s needs and opinions related to parking. Your feedback is  valuable to the ongoing development and success of Encinitas. The outcome of this survey and subsequent actions by the city could significantly impact our quality of life so please take the survey,  
With the potential for 1300 housing units to be built along Quail Gardens Drive between Leucadia Blvd.and Encinitas Blvd., there is no denying that once completed there could be a huge impact to our neighborhoods with vehicles being parked on our streets both during the day and at night. Traffic is a separate issue.  We believe that it is very important that all of us the area take the survey to ensure that our thoughts on this matter are heard and recognized.
As of April 30th, the survey closes on Friday, May 3rd.
Homeowners may not realize that several of the streets in our community are owned by the city and the community has no ability to apply our Parking Policy and enforcement to those streets which include Paseo de las Verdes and Paseo de las Flores up to Jensen Court. Below is a link to a web page with more details on the survey and links to the survey:
Link to actual survey: