Encinitas Ranch April 2021 Update

Posted on: April 3rd, 2021

Encinitas Ranch Community Association April 2021 Update

Tree Trimming Tips

Spring is typically the time of year for the community and homeowners to trim trees. We though it would be very helpful to provide some guidelines on tree trimming for the trees in your yard.
These are the same guidelines that BrightView and our arborist follow in taking care of the 1,700 trees in the community. These are based on findings from the International Society of Arboriculture.

Recommendations For A Great Looking Lawn

Below is an article written by BrightView that provides some great suggestions on avoiding problems with animals digging up your yard hunting for grubs along with advice on aerating your lawn to improve the health of the grass and keep it looking green.

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Crime Prevention Tips

This email article is intended to reinforce information shared with the community in the past about crime prevention.

The Board of Directors continues to work closely with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and their crime prevention unit. They have also made a number of visits to homes within our community to review home security measures and to participate in Neighborhood Watch organizational meetings.

There are however, limits to what the homeowners association can do. Law enforcement and the HOA cannot overcome crime without the support of homeowners individually and as a community. The homeowner association is responsible to prevent and address crime in the common areas. The individual homeowners are responsible to secure their own homes and property.

Analysis of crimes in our community reveal that the vast majority of them are “crimes of opportunity” and preventable.

The following are some tips and hints to optimize the security of your own homes and property:

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Help With Keeping Our Parkway Trees From Being Damaged

As the trees in the community mature and grow we are seeing increased incidents of large branches of parkway trees being torn off or damaged. This requires our landscaper BrightView to spend time and money cleaning up the debris and trimming the broken branches. The answer to the problem is not just to have our tree trimmers cut off the lower hanging branches. Each tree and species of tree has their own unique characteristics and unique tree trimming plans and that may not involve trimming lower branches.
A good number of these incidents are caused by the EDCO trash pick up trucks. We are reaching out to EDCO to ask them to be more careful. However, all of the owners in Encinitas Ranch can do their part to protect our trees by NOT placing their trash cans underneath a large parkway tree. Try to pick a spot where the trucks will not encounter a large tree that could interfere with trash removal. By doing so you are helping keep our trees healthy as well as saving us time and money.

Reminder of the City Noise Ordinance For Leaf Blowers

This post is a reminder that the City of Encinitas passed an ordinance regarding the use of gas powered leaf blowers. Please communicate this to your gardeners and landscapers.
During a regular City Council meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2019, the Encinitas City Council voted unanimously in favor of passing a progressive new Leaf Blower Ordinance.
Key elements of the ordinance include:
  • Prohibits the use of all gas-powered leaf blowers citywide in January 2020;
  • Allows for the use of electric or battery-powered leaf blowers;
  • Requires responsible use of blower equipment to control dust and noise;
  • Restricts leaf blower hours of operation to between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and between 12:00 noon and 5:00 p.m. on Sundays; and
  • Provides for a phased-in operative date schedule (summarized below).
A transition away from fossil-fuel based off-road equipment is one of the strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions identified in the Climate Action Plan. The benefits of prohibiting gas-powered leaf blowers include avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions; decreased noise levels; and reduction in suspended dust, allergens, and other harmful particulates.
The goal of the City’s CAP is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 41% by 2030. It is estimated that the Leaf Blower Ordinance will reduce local GHG emissions by 128 metric tons of CO2 emissions (MTCO2E) by the end of 2020, and 142 metric tons by 2030.
Please help do your part and notify your gardener of this ordinance. The city Code Enforcement unit is issuing citations.

Community News and Monthly Board Meetings

Please be sure and check all of the latest news and monthly posts about Encinitas Ranch:
Also, for the foreseeable future the monthly board meetings will continue to be held using videoconference technology on the third Tuesday of every month starting at 5 PM. If you have input for a board meeting please contact Jayne Whitaker at N.N. Jaeschke, our Community Manager at jwhitaker@nnj.com. She will ensure that your questions or concerns are shared with the board.