The board wanted to be sure that the membership knew that all regular community maintenance and support services continue as usual. Our property management company, N.N. Jaeschke is still working to handle any requests including architectural improvement applications and address all HOA related issues and concerns.
Landscaping maintenance through BrightView, our landscaping contractor, also continues on a normal basis. Any necessary infrastructure repair work will be made as it is identified. The final phase of repainting and repairing the perimeter wrought iron fences is underway. The recent rains has extended the completion date of that project but the expectation is that everything should be finished by the end of March assuming that the weather cooperates.
The board of directors has decided to cancel all planned social activities like the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 11th at the EUSD Farm Lab. The intent is still to hold four major events this year.
In addition, the format for the monthly board meeting changed for the March meeting on Tuesday, March 17th. The meeting was held via conference call with all board members. This format may continue to be used in lieu of face to face meetings at the golf course club house. Any members wishing to participate in the teleconference based board meeting can submit questions or concerns via email to . They will be shared with the appropriate board members or the management company and a response will be provided.
San Diego County has set up an excellent website that provides detailed information on the number of cases, the status of each as well as a wealth of information on the virus and available resources.
We will keep all members updated on any HOA related activities.
The board hopes that everyone is staying healthy and safe as we continue to navigate life during these challenging times.