Fire Prevention and Mitigation Practices

Posted on: December 23rd, 2018

The Landscaping Committee for Encinitas Ranch regularly meets with the Encinitas Fire Department to discuss brush management practices in our community. Brush management is an ongoing process and an integral part of the work done by our landscaping contractor, BrightView. They take this task very seriously and we are always viewed as exercising best practices in this area by the Fire Department.

During our last visit we were reminded again that Encinitas Ranch is located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone as document by Cal Fire. This makes it extremely important that the community as well as the homeowners do their own part to ensure that we are taking all of the necessary steps to avoid potential fire risks.

We were asked by the Fire Department to notify all homeowners to remove materials attached to the wrought iron fences this especially includes any wood and other potential flammable materials. We have identified a number of homes that these materials were installed and they need to be removed within the next thirty days.

This letter is being sent out to the homeowners identified as hanging materials on these fences by the community to avoid them receiving more strongly worded letters from the Fire Department and other potential actions by the city.

In addition to the requirement handed down by the Fire Department homeowners should also reference the Architectural and Article 4.15 which is shown below. You can find a copy of the Architectural Standards on our website at under Design. The Architectural Standards specifically spell out that no materials should be hung on the community walls or fences.

4.15     Walls, Fencing, Gates, and Pilasters

  • The Community Association maintains the exterior of all perimeter walls, pilasters or fences bordering Community Common Areas and designated in the Supplementary Declaration. Owners cannot deny or delay Community Association access to these perimeter walls over the Owner’s Lot to perform any required maintenance.  Refer to CC&Rs Article 9.1.7 Exterior Walls and Fences for more information.
  • Modifications to Community Association maintained perimeter walls, pilasters or fences are not allowed unless a Permissive Maintenance Agreement (PMA) (Contact Management for the current PMA) has been properly executed between the Owner and the Association. The Owner executed PMA must be returned with the application for improvement for consideration by the AC.
  • Unfinished sides of fences or walls shall not be visible to the street, adjacent properties or Community Common Areas.
  • Stepped fencing and walls are permissible where the adjacent grade slopes.
  • Owners shall not hang or attach any item (especially combustible materials) on or over any perimeter walls, pilasters or fences or Community Association fences or walls. Many homes within Encinitas Ranch area located within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) designation. It the Owner’s responsibility to understand and comply with all applicable fire safety requirements and restrictions.
  • Side or rear fence/wall height shall match the height installed by the Declarant or Merchant Builder. Any new or replacement gate shall be consistent with the architecture of the residence and meet City requirements for operation and height.
  • Both property Owners must authorize the repair or replacement of all joint property line walls or fences. No application is required for the repair/replacement of these walls or fences if there is no change in size, color or material.  Refer to CC&Rs Article 9.2.4 Interior Walls for additional detail.

Lastly, the community needs access to the fences in order to repair and repaint them which is done on a regular basis in order to increase the life cycle of the fences.

We all need to work together to assist in fire prevention and your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.

If the intent of hanging materials was to improve privacy we recommend that consideration be given to planting shrubs or trees to achieve that objective. Local nurseries like Home Depot or Armstrong’s can assist with plant selection.

The Encinitas Ranch Community Association Landscaping Committee

How to Prepare Your Home For Wildfires” type=”application/pdf” width=”600″ height=”819″> PDF  Link