Quail Meadows Development coming before the city Planning Commission – February 1st

Posted on: January 18th, 2024

The very large two six and seven story buildings proposed by Baldwin & Sons is coming back before the city Planning Commission on Thursday, February 1st at city hall. This is a 485 unit development proposed for the 10 acre parcels of land south of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Church on Quail Gardens Drive and north of Sunshine Apartments, currently under construction.

To remind homeowners, the Quail Meadows development is one of four major developments along and adjacent to Quail Gardens Drive. They represent about 1300 housing units when completed and they will have a huge impact on traffic, safety and quality of life.

Attached is the formal city notice about the Planning Commission hearing on this development.

We urge homeowners who are concerned about the impacts of this development to atttend the commission meeting. This is the best opportunity to voice your issues with the city before it goes to the city council for final approval. 

If for some reason the schedule for this hearing changes we will update everyone.