Update – Upcoming Developments along Quail Gardens Drive

Posted on: December 2nd, 2021

This article is a reprint of various articles posted since 2019 about impending housing developments along Quail Gardens Drive. 

It is in the interest of every homeowner to stay current on the city’s plans to update their affordable housing plan. Several of the proposed locations for additional housing are very close to Encinitas Ranch and will impact both traffic and the overall aesthetics of Quail Gardens Drive.

These include the following:

  1. Echter Property (FoxPoint Farms) – at the northwest corner of Leucadia Blvd. and Quail Gardens Drive (250 housing units)
  2. Sunshine Gardens – at the northeast corner of Quail Gardens Drive and Encinitas Blvd. (84 housing units)
  3. Baldwin & Sons properties – south of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Church on Quail Gardens Drive (225 housing units)

Below is a link to the city website where you can find more details:


Also, there is an article in the Friday, August 28th 2020 edition of The Coast News on this topic:


The following is a link to an article with more details on the Fox Point Farms development that was posted on 7/31/21:


Below is a link to a post dated 9/19/21 on our website with more details on the Sunshine Gardens Apartment:


Reference Materials:

  1. https://encinitasranc2.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Housing-Developments-Quail-Gardens-Drive-2021.pdf
  2. https://encinitasranc2.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Summary-of-Housing-Development-Quail-Gardens-Drive-2021.pdf


The CC&R’s for Encinitas Ranch prohibit the HOA from engaging in any political activities outside of the physical boundaries of the community. However, interested homeowners should consider forming a committee to advocate for the collective interests of the community.

If a homeowner is interested in serving on such a committee please send your contact information to Curtis Management and Pat Campbell at pcampbell@curtis management.com.