Significant Accomplishments for Encinitas Ranch in 2022

Posted on: November 21st, 2022

In 2022 the community has developed and implemented many significant projects which are summarized below. All of this was accomplished with the help of dedicated board and committee members as well as with the outstanding support provided by Curtis Management.


  • Maintained our assessment fee accounts that are more than three months delinquent to less than 1% of the entire membership
  • Maintained a balanced budget for the year
  • As of November 15th, the Architectural Committee has reviewed and processed 76 applications for various home improvements through early November of the year. At this same time last year, we have received and approved 48 applications representing a 58% year over year increase. The average time to review and approve applications is less than two weeks. We are encouraging all homeowners who are contemplating improvements to follow the Architectural Standards processes outlined on the community’s website under Design. (
  • Members of the board led a consortium of HOA’s and neighborhoods along Quail Gardens Drive to advocate for traffic mitigation measures to be developed and implemented to address safety, quality of life and traffic speed concerns. This consortium is addressing the impending development of over 1300 housing units along the Quail Gardens Drive and Saxony Road corridor. To date this consortium has been able to gain agreement from the city council in mid-October to develop short and long term plans to address our collective concerns. This issue represents one of the most significant problems our community will face in the coming years.

Community Relations and Communications

  • Continue to enhance our own community website: with numerous posts throughout the year
  • Held four community events including the Easter Egg Hunt, a Wine & Cheese summer event, the Ice Cream Social in August and the Oktoberfest event in mid-October with overall attendance for both exceeding 500 people
  • Created and distributed monthly emails to the community that highlighted key activities and events both in Encinitas Ranch and the surrounding area
  • Two drone videos that provide a great overview of the community were produced and are posted on our website under Community background information:

Community Background Information

These can be used to educate homeowners on the magnitude and breadth of the community and with prospective buyers

  • Maintained Encinitas Ranch Facebook Group specifically for homeowners in Encinitas Ranch to allow them to communicate on and share key topics and information
  • Continue to serve as the CFD#1 representative on the Encinitas Ranch Golf Authority (ERGA) Board to ensure that there is greater visibility and accountability for all golf course operations and financials and to improve communications to the greater Encinitas community
  • Continue to conduct community outreach meetings with the Quail Botanical Gardens, the Leichtag Foundation, the Encinitas Unified School District (EUSD) and the Encinitas Community Garden to share common interests and plans

 Landscaping and Infrastructure

  • Added a sixth crew member and a full time irrigation technician on the BrightView team to help with additional maintenance duties and the ongoing rebuilding of the irrigation system
  • Renovated the large slopes adjacent to the entry to Quail Ridge encompassing over 1.5 acres
  • Renovated the slope on Swallowtail Drive adjacent to Quail Gardens Drive
  • Replaced the landscaping at the end of Samuel Court with new turf
  • Renovated the slope behind Cypress Hills Drive and Shasta Drive on the golf course trail
  • Rebuilt three trailheads along Lynwood Drive with new decomposed granite (DG)
  • Replaced numerous plantings on many of the islands at the end of cul de sacs throughout the community
  • Continued with the strategy to rebuild sprinkler heads throughout the community to reduce water usage and improve sustainability
  • Renovated the landscaping at the top of the zig zag trail that connects Cypress Hills Drive to Lynwood Drive
  • Added a new bench to the cul de sac on Rainey Court and replaced two benches in the south mesa
  • Completely rebuilt the rip rap swale on Lot 14 at the very south end of the community to serve as a water drainage system for the south mesa
  • Completely removed wooden fences behind Alexandra Lane and Dylan Way with new vinyl fences that require little to no maintenance and last significantly longer than wooden fences
  • Resealed portions of the asphalt roadway on Via Zamia
  • Added a post and rail fence in the small park between Cypress Hills Drive and Samuel Court along with new plant materials
  • Renovated the entire entry to Devonshire adjacent to Quail Gardens Drive
  • Replaced existing turf along Cypress Hills Drive between Paseo de las Verdes and Shasta Drive and around the horseshoe bend on Cypress Hills Drive on one side of the street; removed tree roots that were inhibiting parkway turf growth
  • Added an additional dog station in the south mesa on the trail connecting Lynwood Drive to Cypress Hills Drive
  • Repaired numerous sidewalk rip hazards
  • Worked closely with the City of Encinitas to add and replace numerous trees and parkway plant material on Paseo de las Flores and Paseo de las Verdes
  • Developed a formal slope maintenance plan for 2023 and following years
  • Provided ongoing preventative tree maintenance to many large trees which represent great assets to the community Including a disease and pest plan
  • Maintained close working relationships with both the Olivenhain Municipal Water District and the San Dieguito Water District both of which provide water to the community
  • Gained agreement with the San Elijo Joint Powers Authority to connect a recycled water line under Quail Gardens Drive to the large storage tank above the golf course driving range; this will provide a more sustainable source of irrigation water with increased water pressure

All of these key accomplishments plus the regular day-to-day management of the community  would not have happened were it not for the dedication and focus of the board of directors, members of our landscaping, architectural and community relations (social) committees, and the support from the team at Curtis Management including Pat Campbell and Jenna Jacobs

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