South Mesa Reclaimed Water Project Update

Posted on: February 6th, 2018

As mentioned in our recent December 23rd, 2017 update, the project to finish completing service to all areas of the south mesa with reclaimed water continues to proceed ahead. Residents within 500 feet of the project perimeter were recently mailed the second Citizen Participation Program (CPP) notice regarding project status including the change in alignment of the water line. A link to this article is below:

This second notice sent by the San Elijo Joint Powers Authority (SEJPA), the main sponsor of the project, includes details on the Encinitas Ranch and the Requeza Street elements of their overall project.

Within the next month or so SEJPA will be preparing an RFP and beginning the process to select a construction contractor. Actual construction is planned to begin in the summer with completion in the fall.

Project status continues to be reviewed at every monthly ERCA board meeting. If homeowners have any questions or comments they are welcome to attend any of the board meetings.