Spring is upon us and so are lots of weeds

Posted on: April 8th, 2023

This year we received an unusually large amount of rain and that created the conditions for some incredibly beautiful, green and lush fields and slopes like we have never seen before. It also created the conditions for lots of weeds. Our landscaping company, BrightView will be dealing with this in the near future. With 29 acres of land in the community there is a need to prioritize where to conduct what is referred to as brush management. This is a practice where the weeds are cut down and also sprayed to prevent them from regrowing.

One of the decisions to be made is when to remove weeds and perform formal brush management as mandated by the city. If the weeds are removed now this may necessitate an additional round of brush management later in the year. If we wait until the ground dries fully (in a few weeks) , there is a less likelihood of the community needing a second round of brush management. A second round would require additional landscaping funds that could be used for other purposes.

The current plan is to wait until the end of the month to start removing weeds and to conduct brush management on the large exterior and interior slopes.

We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges.  Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pat Campbell at Curtis Management.