Encinitas Ranch July 2021 Update

Posted on: July 26th, 2021

Encinitas Ranch Community Association July 2021 Update

New Street Signs Coming – Paseo de las Flores

The City of Encinitas will be turning the intersection at Cypress Hills, Paseo de las Flores and Jensen Court from a two way stop to a four way stop on Monday, July 26th. For those homeowners who use Paseo de las Flores to exit the community please be extra cautious and mindful of this traffic control change. The city determined that this intersection warranted a four way stop.

We will be adding additional signage and striping on Paseo de las Flores in the street as well.

Home Security Advice

In the past few weeks there have been two recent home break-ins so the community wanted to remind owners about how they can prevent such incidents.

Our community website and monthly newsletters have numerous articles on security. If you are not receiving the newsletters please contact Curtis Management at 760-643-2200. Here is a link to our website where articles on crime prevention and security can be found under Community News:


Maintaining a secure community is a shared responsibility. Homeowners need to take responsibility for securing their homes and personal property. The HOA can assist with helping to deter crime and to protect the common areas. There is a committee that was formed several months ago to explore ideas on how to improve crime deterrence.

Below is a link to an article that describes crime prevention and the working group of owners that is focused on overall improving security outside of individual homes:


Here is a short summary on tips for homeowners to do their part in securing their homes:

Read More.

Social Events are back! – Ice Cream Social August 7th

The community’s Social Committee is very excited to begin holding social events again. The first such event is our annual Ice Cream Social which will be held on Saturday, August 7th from 3 to 5 PM in the small park between Samuel Court and Cypress Hills Drive.
Ice cream will be provided by Cali Ice Cream (previously known as Handel’s). There will be some snacks as well as beer and wine for the adults. Entertainment will be provided and arts & crafts for the kids.

Please bring your own lawn chairs!

Let all of your friends and neighbors know. We will see you on August 7th.

Golf Course and Encinitas Ranch Golf Authority (ERGA) Update

Starting in the late spring of 2020 the Encinitas ranch Golf Course has seen an enormous increase in rounds played and revenue. The golf course has done so well that the Encinitas Ranch Golf Authority (ERGA) and their board has estimated excess golf course net revenues calculated for FY 2020-21 will be $1,031,283.

After funding the Operating Reserve in the amount of $7,533 the remaining estimated excess golf course net revenues of $1,023,750 will be contributed in part toward the golf course’s $372,227 share of the Community Facilities District #1 (CFD #1) fiscal year 2021-22 special taxes and the remaining portion of $651,523 be used to pay portions of the five year lookback balance.

CFD #1 was set up in the late 1990’s to pay for all of the infrastructure for Encinitas Ranch (excluding the golf course) which includes roads, sewers and utilities. There are 943 homes in CFD #1 including the 500 homes in Encinitas Ranch.

Read More.

Help With Managing the California Drought

Attached below is a flyer that BrightView developed that speaks to the importance of every homeowner doing their part to help with conserving water. The drought conditions that we are experiencing are only bound to get more severe with time. So now is a good time to start planning to conserve one of our most precious resources.

Read More.

Community Background Information

There is a wealth of information about background on Encinitas Ranch including maps, trails, handy phone numbers (with emergency contacts), safety and security as well as details of each development with builder maps.

Below is a link to this web page:


Please share with your neighbors and take advantage of this information. It could save time and energy.

Reminder – Homeowner Landscaping Responsibilities

As a reminder every homeowner is responsible to have well maintained landscaping in the front and back yards as well as on the sides of their homes. This helps to keep the overall community attractive for existing and prospective homeowners. Most plants and trees grow very fast and we need to ensure that everyone is trimming these on a regular basis.

The community receives regular concerns and complaints over plants and trees that are growing over the sidewalk and interfere with people walking and bike riding. This situation creates potentially serious safety issues. Please do your part and keep these plants trimmed back so there is space of four feet wide and seven feet in height around the sidewalks.

Appendix I – View Impairment Guidelines work session

A number of homeowners have expressed interest in modifying Appendix I of our Architectural Standards (View Impairment Guidelines) which were developed and adopted in 2015. To help with addressing their interests the community will be holding a work group meeting via Zoom on Thursday, August 4th starting at 5 PM to discuss ideas on view impairment.

Any homeowner interested in participating should contact Pat Campbell at Curtis Management to get the instructions for joining the Zoom call. Pat can be reached at 760-643-2200 or at pcampbell@curtismanagement.com.

Monthly Board Meetings and Continuation of the July Board Meeting

The Open Session of the July board meeting will continue on Thursday, July 29th at 5 PM. Any homeowner is welcome to attend. Flyers for the agenda will be posted on the mailboxes.

Any homeowner interested in participating should contact Pat Campbell at Curtis Management to get the instructions for joining the Zoom call. Pat can be reached at 760-643-2200 or at pcampbell@curtismanagement.com.

Community News and Monthly Board Meetings

Please be sure and check all of the latest news and monthly posts about Encinitas Ranch:

Also, the monthly board meetings are currently being held in person at our property manager’s office (Curtis Management) on the third Wednesday of every month starting at 5 PM. All homeowners are welcome to attend the Open Session either in person or via Zoom. The instructions for joining the Zoom call will be included in future newsletters and in the flyers posted on the mailboxes. If you are unable to attend you can provide input for a board meeting. Please contact Pat Campbell, the president of Curtis Management and our property manager at pcampbell@curtismanagement.com. Pat will ensure that your questions or concerns are shared with the board.

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