Archive for the ‘Safety’ Category

Speeding and Traffic Calming

Posted on: March 31st, 2019

Over the past ten years the community has engaged with traffic engineers twice to help with mitigating problems with speeding and traffic calming. All of the major recommendations made by the traffic engineer were implemented. This included the addition of numerous stop signs in the south mesa, 20 MPH signs, pedestrian crossing signs and raised […]

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Fire Prevention and Mitigation Practices

Posted on: December 23rd, 2018

The Landscaping Committee for Encinitas Ranch regularly meets with the Encinitas Fire Department to discuss brush management practices in our community. Brush management is an ongoing process and an integral part of the work done by our landscaping contractor, BrightView. They take this task very seriously and we are always viewed as exercising best practices […]

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Reminder – Motorized Vehicle Use in the Community

Posted on: December 19th, 2018

This article is a simple reminder regarding the usage of any motorized vehicles in the community. This includes all automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, RV’s, scooters, golf carts and other similar vehicles. All of the the streets within our community are subject to the laws and regulations of the California Vehicle Code. All motorized vehicles are required to be […]

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Golf Course Crossing on Paseo de las Flores

Posted on: October 2nd, 2018

It was brought to the attention of the board by the golf course operators, JC Resorts, that more care and attention is needed in entering or exiting the community via Paseo de las Flores. There is a crosswalk for golf carts near the restrooms where drivers should exercise more caution. The speed limit on all […]

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Fire Lane and Fire Hydrant Violations

Posted on: September 11th, 2018

This is a friendly reminder that California State Law, City of Encinitas Municipal Code and our own Parking Policy prohibit parking in a marked Fire Lane or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Parking a vehicle in such a manner creates a significant potential safety problem if a fire were to start in a […]

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Disaster Preparedness

Posted on: September 8th, 2018

We live in an area that is not immune to disasters. Southern California and San Diego County can experience significant natural and man-made events including wildfires and earthquakes, as well as strong storms that could have a major impact on our homes and lives. It is incumbent on all of us to be prepared for […]

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