Below you will find important forms and applications. Many are available in both an online and PDF file format for your convenience, though submission through the online version is preferred. The online forms are designed to save submission time and can also be printed before submitting the form electronically. In all cases the relevant samples, files and associated plans must be submitted to the Management Company.
If you are interested in making an external improvement to your home, please review the Architectural Standards under the Design section of the website before submitting any application. It is very improvement to understand the Architectural Standards and process to be followed before submitting a form and allow adequate time for any form or application to be reviewed and approved by the community. Per California Civil Code the Architectural Committee has 45 days to review an application. Otherwise, the application is automatically approved. Typically, an application is approved within two weeks or less depending on the complexity of the improvements.
Homeowners can find the online and PDF versions of the architectural related forms below.
Open or download and complete the necessary form or application, then follow the instructions on each to submit to the appropriate person or group.
Submission preferred through the editable online versions above. If you are unable to fill out the online form, please use the PDF version below; please note that forms submitted manually will take longer to process than online submissions.